Why fail in investment in Bursa Malaysia

To Share the common mistake we make in investment life

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bursa break 1000:Dream or true

Today, Bursa officially beak 1000, close at 1003, Do you win any money ? if yes congratulation!! I believe if you are in market more than 10 year. Your won't be happy. Most of us lossing like hell. Many stock forum active , then die , why market really bad.

Execept plantation and some blue chip. Ask your self? Market really up? Can I recover money I lost in 2000 bull or far 1997 Crisis or even far 1994 super bull. Our neigbour like Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. All break history high, they are rank superbull now. Where is 1,300 for index. How is our 2nd board and mesdaq? 2nd board still below 90 (lower than crisis). Mesdaq 186 since 2002. then now??? where small investor like us shall go to complaint!! I remember I buy few lot of Cosco (Singapore stock exchange ) few year back,. now my return is 1000%. So what is suprise our IoI 300% for this few year.

Hope market will up trend a while, Broker film will full of people, and every one is buying... that is the time i leave Bursa and only concentrate on Blue chip on bursa.

Hope the day will come soon.


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